Ladybird English Primary School
Primary School
Class 1 to Class 6
Since its conception, Ladybird has always registered 100% in both Government Common Entrance and First School Living Certification. Our unblemished twenty-three-year record goes to show the dedication we have to excellence and wholistic growth of the children.
Requirements for Admission and Registration Preschool and Primary School
  • New Kids and Pupils:

    1. Photocopy of Birth Certificate
    2. Photocopy of vaccination card.
    3. Report card of previous class
    4. 01 Box of colour chalk (Giotto Robercolor)
    5. 01 ream of paper (Double A)
    6. 02 toilet paper (Sita)
    7. Registration Fee:
    Daycare = 20,000FCFA
    Nursery 1 to Primary 6 = 50000FCFA

    Old Kids and Pupil

    1. Report card from previous class.
    2. A real of paper (Double A or Navigator 80g)
    3. Two toilet tissue (Sita)
  • Uniforms:

    Monday: Official wear
    Tuesday to Thursday: Daily wear
    Fridays: Sportswear.
    Pupil must put on Black shoes and white socks daily except on Fridays
    Only the school pullover is accepted.
Fees are paid at the financial Institution (Buea Police Cooperative Credit Union) situated at Ndokati and receipts handed to the school authorities.
The 1st & 2nd installment must be completed before the end of November each year.
The 3rd installment must be completed before the end on January each year.