Ladybird offers a comprehensive educational experience from nursery to secondary school. Our commitment to quality education is at the core of everything we do. Our diverse curriculum nurtures moral values, discipline, and creativity. Our goal is to prepare students for the job market and entrepreneurship in today’s evolving world. Joining Ladybird ensures your child excels academically, builds strong character, and unlocks their full potential. Your child’s journey to success begins here.
We have expierence in teaching and motivatinig young people.
This institution was officially founded in 2000 before which we had unofficial education and trainings to help guide our young Cameroonians.
Our staff consists of teachers, teaching aids and security personnel.
Graduates from Primary Education and Graduates from Secondary Education. Over the 23 years of the fine institution, we have successfully graduated 1000+ pupils and students.
We educate students at three levels of education: nursery, primary school and secondary school. To learn more, select the level of education you are interested in.